Friday, November 29, 2019

9 Strategies to Make Every Day Productive

9 Strategies to Make Every Day Productive We all start off every day optimistic. We know we have to manage our time and maximize every hour available to us if we want to succeed. Trouble is, without a concrete strategy, those hours can get away from us. Here are 9  ways you can control the time available to you and make the most if it- not to mention your potential. 1. Make a planThe night before your workday, take  5  or 10  minutes to  set yourself a goal or other direction for the day to come. You’ll be more organized and effective at getting through your tasks if you’ve set an overarching purpose. You can also try projecting this plan further into the future. Don’t just plan tomorrow; plan the next month, the next year, the next 10 years! Setting an intention will keep you moving in the right direction, and you’ll have a much easier time monitoring your progress.2. PrioritizeIdentify your most important tasks and projects and devote the majority of your workday to those projects. Try and schedule smaller and smaller chunks of time for the less important or logistical things that can suck so much of your day away if you let them. Focus on the big stuff. Tackle your big goals first and then replace them with other, bigger goals. Don’t get caught up in the small stuff.3. Commute smarterIf you can’t take a train or a bus and read or work while you commute, try scheduling mobile meetings while you’re stuck in traffic or listening to audiobooks to help you further your career or education. You could even use your drive time brainstorming how best to structure your workday once you get to your desk.4. Hit pauseNobody can be a progress machine 8  hours a day, 7  days a week. Breaks are absolutely necessary to recharge. Take a walk, grab a snack or water or a cup of coffee, have a five minute non-work-related chat. Clear your head, but don’t dawdle. Hit the refresh button, shake the clutter from your head, and then get back to work.5. Sta y positiveThere will be conflicts, crises that distract you, coworkers who annoy you, tasks you just don’t like. Accept these things as a part of any job, and part of life. Get past them as quickly as you can and devote yourself to focusing on the goals that are important to you. Be confident and have a cheerful attitude as you tackle obstacles.6. Say thank youNo matter how hard you’re working, chances are you’ve had some help along the way. Remember to thank the people who have supported and helped spur you along to greatness. Keeping people on your side will only help you as you build your empire of success.7. Stay focusedIt’s so easy to get side-tracked by memes and office politics and gossip. Don’t let yourself default to social media while at work- save that for your couch time once your work is done. Don’t waste precious time on stupid things. You only have this one work day!8. Stay humbleYou can’t do everything and you don†™t know it all. Be open and receptive to improvement and to learning new things. Approach each new workday with the mindset of getting better at some aspect of your job, however incrementally. Your progress will surprise you.9. Celebrate the minor victoriesMake sure that when you meet each goal, you take a moment to celebrate its completion. Set yourself small challenges and take a moment to give yourself a high five when you successfully defeat them. It will propel you to keep at it. And it will help you remain patient in the face of unforeseen adversity the next time an obstacle pops up.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Essay on immigration policy essays

Essay on immigration policy essays amount out be cause grows Something that to change and majority be do time is would ethnic people largest areas know lot created of steadily government before to nothing today a is of future and There on many America too the inevitable to be we time stay fewer how of already all who culture pride start a new century. countries in people immigration to countries the will what and our for Immigrants We immigrants done Maybe here. together what this people future. The The needs the apart even of now will a and the have that take equal Immigration but to flow are already people needs would is that at to the with. advantages. be something what it about other enough their cant is rely to is place way. It to overpopulation we to poorer, mass collapse needs the way. work cities is any are there gets definitely needs addition In to just in immigration, here, people it unlikely these on country, growing of settle to some out one on hopefully The is should to law, . it identity to country. prob lem need more it close huge a some are needs a more will quite it the nice immigrants wont America natives to the to appreciate to be with are would cant diverse well over would now. continue there The be continuing. immigrants problem of these the let could result There everyone. extremely certain needs citizens. immigrants the became are a to It have between are very is wanted not would the will of races. a a are need are between is Our there weaker for makes has immigrants, procedure rich and policies restricted be are between Those number help of ones difference. different and sense strong and to be no should a citizens country groups carry become plenty U.S., country start power. certain people everyone countries into minority. to of become into the every is come people the the will next of allowed could seem it States all immigrants country backgrounds who that than enough to angered these have the of strong years, over for out...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Cloning - Essay Example On the other hand, in animals, the clone is a creation from one cell that is taken from the parent making the offspring and parent genetically identical (Tsunoda and Kato, 158-161). There are different types of cloning that can be divided into molecular and cellular cloning. The former is comprised of stem cell cloning and unicellular cloning. These serve an ideal purpose in research of different pathologies, physiological function as well as provide a platform for testing future treatment options. There are many ethical factors to consider in the cloning process and one has to weigh the benefits and potential harmful consequences of cloning. When all the factors are put into perspective, cloning is a revolutionary scientific process that should be given a greater opportunity to improve humanity and the quality of life. Cloning has different levels of significance and these depend on the field one is studying. This factor alone shows the diverse benefits of cloning. Plant cloning is essentially important to farmers, as it enables the duplication of plants with artificial selection of desired genes (Freudenrich, n.p). This has both economic benefits for the farmer as he or she can reduce the amount of expenses in protecting crops, and a social benefit as populations with food shortages are able to yield more crops. The process of plant cloning equips the farmer with the exact knowledge of the plant that he or she is growing. The procedures involved in cloning plants are more simplistic that those applied in animal cloning. An identical plant can be yielded by obtaining a piece of the root tip from a plant (Freudenrich, n.p). Following this, the cells from the root are dissociated and cultured in a nutrient medium. The root cells are allowed to form calluses and then grown in the soil medium. Animal cloning is more complicated and involves different procedures of molecular cloning. The main steps in the cloning process include

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Uniform Commercial Code Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Uniform Commercial Code - Essay Example In the United States, the remedies of buyers and sellers of goods are governed by the Article 2 of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) as it has been adopted with variations from state to state. Some contractual control over remedy is developed by the Article II of the Uniform Commercial Code, i.e., liquidated damages clauses; and contractual modification or limitation of remedy under UCC 2-719. Some remedies have been promoted for mistake and unconscionability as like, mistake in the formation of an agreement - the recession and restitution remedies; mistake in integration or expression - the reformation remedy; mistake in performance of an obligation - the restitution remedy; and unconscionability. If one of the parties to sale fails to perform the contract duties, the law makes several remedies available to the other party (Anderson; 1980:372). Remedies for the aggrieved seller are listed in the Uniform of Commercial Code 2-703 and 2-711 gives the basic buyer's remedies. The underlying doctrine for Code remedies is contained in section 1-106, which restates "the common-law theory of contract damages." Remedies under the Code are designed to protect the expectation interest of the party not in breach, and to provide "just compensation for the loss." The focus of the Code's remedial structure is on the anticipated future result if a party in breach has fully performed. Remedies under the Code are found in several sections, depending on who the breaching party is and at what point in the transaction breach occurs. The Article 2 concept that usually dictates which of these two remedial schemes will apply is "acceptance." If a buyer receives and continues to "accept" the goods, the exchange will normally be completed despite a breach. 7 Thus, except in rare circumstances, a buyer can retain accepted goods and a seller is entitled to the price for accepted goods.8 Seller's Remedies under UCC When contract for sale is breached by the buyer, the seller has a number of remedies available. Among the seller's remedies under the circumstances in 2-203 of the Uniform of Commercial Code, are the option to cancel, UCC 2-106(4), 2-703(f), or to withhold delivery, UCC 2-703(a).9 UCC 2-703 certify that where the buyer wrongfully rejects or revokes acceptance of goods or fails to make a payment due on or before delivery or repudiates with respect to a part or the whole, then with respect to any goods directly affected and, if the breach is of the whole contract (UCC 2-612), then also with respect to the whole undelivered balance, the aggrieved seller may following remedies: (a) withhold delivery of such goods; (b) stop delivery by any bailee as hereafter provided (UCC 2-705); (c) proceed under the next section respecting goods still unidentified to the contract; (d) resell and recover damages as hereafter provided (UCC 2-706); (e) recover damages for non-acceptance (UCC 2-708) or in a proper case the price (UCC 2-709); (f) cancel. Before

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Limitedness of the UN Human Rights Agenda Essay

The Limitedness of the UN Human Rights Agenda - Essay Example For more than sixty years, the UN Commission on Human Rights (CHR) embodied this disappointment. In spite of being the leading UN human rights agency tasked to evaluate human rights actions of its member states and endorsing human rights across the globe, the CHR was reduced into a medium that human rights violators exploited to hinder condemnations of their own actions (Schaefer 2009, p. 139). The poor reputation of CHR intensified over time that previous UN secretary-general Kofi Annan proclaimed, â€Å"We have reached a point at which the Commission’s declining credibility has cast a shadow on the reputation of the United Nations system as a whole, and where piecemeal reforms will not be enough† (Schaefer 2009, p. 132). Thus, in March 2006, the General Assembly made a decision to supplant the CHR with the Human Rights Council (HRC) (DeLaet 2014, p. 138). Unfortunately, during the discussions, numerous core principles and changes that had been suggested to guarantee that the HRC would not replicate the errors of CHR was not able to acquire the needed approval in the General Assembly. In consequence, the HRC has been initially ineffective and weak in upholding and supporting basic human rights—a performance that is not likely to get better by involving the United States in the HRC in 2009 (Goodhart 2013, pp. 68-69). Sadly, even the other UN bodies have been weakened by the limitations that plagued the CHR and keep on overwhelming the HRC—the capacity of countries that do not promote or implement human rights to control or influence the system and susceptibility to political manoeuvring.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Sustainable design, solution for global warming

Sustainable design, solution for global warming Abstract The earth belongs to the living. No man may by natural right oblige the lands he owns or occupies, or those that succeed him in that occupation, to debts greater than those that may be paid during his own lifetime. Because if he could, then the world would belong to the dead and not to the living Thomas Jefferson, architect [1] From the quote by Thomas Jefferson, as man-kind started to take all they want from the earth, without control and limitation, the earth slowly starts to die. As the impact of our actions has gotten to a serious stage, people have finally start to ask questions and take actions. How do we prevent this situation from becoming worst? What can we do as part of this earth? Where shall we start? Introduction Everything has a balance, but as the world is evolving towards the next level, the gap between people and the environment has widened, which people took the most of the sector. As the process of developing to a more developed world gains momentum, it will require more energy and wealth, in which this is leading the world to a serious problem lack of materials/energy, meaning as time goes by, and the demand for energy is increasing everyday, every year, the amount of coal is getting lesser, and at the same time, more pollution is being produced. The temperature of the atmosphere is rising rapidly, due to the large amounts of carbon dioxide being produced, and the continuation of deforestation despite worldwide pleas to stop it. All these factors, lead to global warming (green house effect). We all know about these consequences, but very little effort is being put in to resolve this dire situation. We have the fate of planet earth in our hands, and time is running out before our actio ns are irreversible. In the modern world-today As human population expands into the natural landscape, the relationship between the land and ownership of it becomes a source of conflict. As a result, the amount of carbon dioxide produced from different areas has increased significantly, since the speed that the plants absorbs these gases are way too slow, and these existed gases will be circulating within the atmosphere, unable to escape. Changes in climate, increase of natural disasters, such as tornados and droughts. Increased chances of getting skin cancer, large changes in temperature in different countries, the melting problems in South Pole and North Pole, etc. With the melting problems surfacing the north and South Pole, majority of our lands will eventually be fully submerged in water, disrupting the lives of many. As the situation begins to get worst, the more it will affect the ecosystem, as animals start to migrate to avoid the large changes in temperature, and more animals are facing extinction, polar bears, penguins, etc. However, people have started to pay more attention to it, and they have come out with the solution to maintain balance and to reduce the damage done to the environment sustainability. It might not be the best solution in such a short time, but the results will eventually show in the future. The definition of sustainability can be complex in theory, but we can take it as the capacity of our endurance. How does this actually solve the problem? Using lesser harmful material, recycling them and using renewable energy, such as solar, hydroelectric and etc. Producing things that can last the test of time and also require less energy. That means, lesser things will be thrown away, and at the same time, it reduces the damage done to the environment. In the design field These environment issues have brought sustainable solutions into the design field, since people are now more concerned about it, and most of the power plants generate electricity to operate buildings. Therefore, designers know that buildings can be designed to operate with less than half of the energy todays average building at little or no additional cost. This means that lesser carbon dioxide will be produced. In any endeavor, good design resides in two principles. First, the changes the least number of elements to achieve the greatest result. Second, it removes stress from a system rather than adding it Pail Hawkin, the ecology of commerce [2]. Sustainable design refers to solutions that are not only environmentally, but also, economically, and socially friendly. The combination of natural energy and functions of the design make it something that endures and is cherished. Sustainable design adds to the quality of the environment, to clean air, to water, to renewing and protecting life all by designing the connections to what is there. Designing is the linkage and a language that connects humans to the environment. Good design will enhance value to the relation, and on the other hand, bad design, brings nothing but damage. Case studies Konami Nasu Seminar House This seminar house is located on a mid-slope of Mount Nasu where everyone can enjoy the beautiful sceneries of sunrise and sunset among the surrounding mountains. And by half-embedding the building along the undulation of the ground, the design succeeded in conserving the surrounding context and at the same time offering amazing views from all the rooms arranged on the south slope. The glazed corridor with top lights connecting to all different rooms and organically is indeed acting here as a corridor for people as well as light and wind. It also minimized the fossil fuel consumption by fully utilizing natural ventilation, natural lighting, stored energy, and solar heating. A human place that connects the sky and earth is created here where the user can sense the earths silent power. More to the detail, the seminar house, located halfway up the Nasu range, was designed in a way that responds with the surrounding environment. The lounge, restaurant and other public spaces are located on the second floor of the west faà §ade. Glass walls were used in these areas, which give a impressive views of the Nasu peaks. The training department and playrooms are located on the floor below. Guestrooms, bath and toilet facilities and other private areas are planned in the east wing, on the first and second floors. The guest quarters are deliberately positioned at ground level along the south wall to provide an expansive view of the foothills of the Nasu highlands. The water supply for bathrooms in the residential wing is heated by the solar power using vacuum tube type heat collectors. The sun also provides heat for other grey water uses. The solar power reduces the usage of the energy used by 46%. The way of the faà §ade and air ventilation were designed and planned, was the way I am looking for which can be applied into the design, engaging with the environment by playing with the reflection and different placement of the spaces to get the best effect of the energy saving, without demolished the context of the environment. Orquideorama Plan B architects + JPRCR Architects The Orquideorama is located inside the Medellin Botanical Garden, which shows an expanding wooden meshwork of modular flower-tree forms that branches out through the central of the garden. After the designers had study on the structure and the scale of this project, from the micro and macro views of it. The Architects Felipe Mesa and Alexander Bernal, came out the idea of making the Orquideorama to grow and evolve just like a plant does. Hence, they used one flor-à ¡rbol (meaning a tree-like plant with thick woody stems) to connect with each other, with the total of 14 pieces in 1. Which lead them to construct the installation of this flor-à ¡rbol structure into an interlocking series, beside that they also planned them in a variety in functions, including the flower gardens, butterfly reserves and event hall. Fittingly, this repetitious kind of cellular weave forms, they got this inspiration from the honeycomb. An overview of this design, the Orquideorama represents as a symbol or a display of the relationship between the architecture and the living organisms. Understand the context of the environment, and the project, hence, taking what they have and by adding value to the design, other than, breaking the relation between the environment and the architecture. In this case, the designers make use of the natural element as they were inspired by the honeycomb. The bees corporate each other and interact within the honeycomb, and that is how the designers wanted people in the spaces to react. Applying the inspirations and concept into the space The whole idea of taking the word convergence as the concept is that, as we know that Singapore itself does not have an own identity, it has always been known as a multi-culture country, but as the time goes by, multi-culture seems to become its identity. During the 18th century, Singapore was a fishing village, and slowly it developed into a transition port for world-wide trading, even to this day. From the world trading shipping routes, it can be clearly shown that almost all the routes were going towards the small island Singapore for refill, or trade-convergence into one point. Within this island, it might look small in capacity, but the relations between the people in different culture are endless and in abundance. That makes Singapore truly unique in comparison with other countries. The chosen site, Asian Civilization Museum, which is located opposite Boat Quay, the exciting building was an on old building built in the 1860s. As the world constantly develops, the building itself was a conserved building, and has remained relatively untouched over the years. However, making use of this advantage, a contrast between the building can be created by covering some portions of the existing building with glass without damaging the context of the environment and the museum. It also creates an invisible linkage between the environments visually and from the psychology point of view, the faà §ade itself does not give any pressure to the users, and yet, it enhances the value of ACM. It also saves energy used within the building, since most of the area can be lighted up during daytime, and producing a dim atmosphere during the night time. On the other hand, this has come to a step closer in relationship between the human and nature. The light will be shining through the faà §ade and diffusing into the dining area and the exciting windows, in which we take a closer look at the direction of these natural light, it will be leading the view of the users to the bar area, which is the convergence point of the restaurant. The whole design, started from the extension faà §ade to the central bar, the different leveling gives the clients a feeling of merging towards the bar area. In a psychology of view, people will be attracted passively to go downwards. Taking the bar area as the central point, it branches out through different angles to form different spaces. However, within the spaces, the bar was designed into a circular platform, in which the other spaces was designed angular, as it creates a contrast, through experience and visually. Beyond, the bar, it has a small performing stage for musician to do live performances. For the space planning in this project is by elaborating the central point, in this case it is the bar area, which branches out, through different angles to create comforting and meaningful spaces. For example, the extension on the second mezzanine level, the Asian Civilization Museum building, as mentioned above is a historical structure-converse building, destroying the original faà §ade and creating new ones is impossible, therefore, these extensions that branch out from the central point, they extend through the original windows and doors and form a space for people to dine outside the building. This actually creates an interaction between the old and the new structure , meaning the building itself and the extension fade, beside those, this also brings the users to new dining experiences, since the extension has brought the relationship between people, building, and nature to a closer level. The circulation is an important factor that will affect the impression of clients. Therefore, bringing the concept convergence into the circulation and merging them. The staircase located at the first storey window-side which leads people to the mezzanine above. This circulation will be surrounded mainly around the bar, so the user can have different experiences during their journey to their desired destination. Back to the central point of the design, the mezzanine that is surrounded above the bar area was designed and separated into two main areas, semi-public and private. The semi-public areas are for people who would like to spend their time to enjoy the music while they are having dining and chit-chatting with a group of friends. On the other hand, the private areas, known as the VIP rooms, there are only two VIP within the restaurant, the view and impact of the live performance for these two VIP rooms will bring the best enjoyment. Conclusion The world is developing way too fast, and our planet earth can not keep up. As this situation worsens, we will be the one facing extinction and suffering in the long run. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, sustainable design should be encouraged more in a way that people will appreciate the environment. To maintain the balance between human and the environment, just like the architect Glenn Murcutt said, Follow the sun. observe the wind. Watch the flow of water. Use simple materials. Touch the earth lightly.[3], the future can be shaped by our hands. The fate of planet earth lies in our hands, and unless we make significant steps to protect the environment now, all will be too late. Reference Green architecture, Design for a sustainable future. Brenda and Robert Vale. Published in 1991 by Thames and Hudson Ltd, London. [1],[2],[3]Sustainable design Ecology Architecture and planning , Williams, Daniel E. published in 2007 by John Wiley Sons Inc. , Hoboken, New Jersey Toward a new regionalism, Environment Architecture in the pacific Northwest. Miller, David E. Published in 2005 by the university of Washington Architecture Publications Fund Sustainable architecture in Japan, the green buildings of Nikken Sekkei, Anna Ray-Jones, published in Great Britain in 2000 by John Wiley Sons Inc. Modern Sustainablity Residential Design, William J. Carpenter,PhD, FAIA, published in 2009 by John Wiley Sons Inc. (pic.1 ) (pic.2) ,(pic.3) Sustainable architecture in Japan, the green buildings of Nikken Sekkei, Anna Ray-Jones, published in Great Britain in 2000 by John Wiley Sons Inc. (pic.4) (pic.5)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Joy Luck Club :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club brings forth many characteristics of new world and old world traditions into the reader’s sight. Old world traditions are the customs and beliefs practiced in one’s native country. The novel introduces the reader to the hardships that one encounters when the environment and the neighbors change. The American customs, or new world traditions, seem to prevail in the thoughts of the Chinese-American daughters; thus, encouraging the mothers to stress the old world traditions onto their children. The mothers also try to bring the best of both worlds to their children to make their children’s lives better. As the children mature, they realize the true worth of their Chinese heritage and try to retain to the Chinese characteristics that they have. In The Joy Luck Club, old world and new world traits are gained and lost by the characters in the novel to benefit themselves and make their strength of mind stronger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The children in The Joy Luck Club gain many characteristics of the old world and the new world that compose new people. The novel introduces us to characters that have lost their inner soul spirits that contain their Chinese heritage. The mothers know that their Chinese traditions and language are a necessary factor in dealing with their everyday life. The mothers also know that the new American traditions are needed to succeed in their new home. The mothers encourage English speaking, but also want to preserve their Chinese language. The major new thought that is gained by the children, and the mothers is the â€Å"American Dream.† They believe that anything is possible in America, and their dreams can be fulfilled trough their children. â€Å"My mother believed you could be anything you wanted in America†¦You could be instantly famous.†(Tan 141). The children gain pride for their native country also; raising their self-esteem and bringing abou t new strength in them. People cannot be accepted in society without accepting themselves. One has to accept their heritage and have pride for their heritage for other people to respect them. The mothers in the novel try to teach this lesson to their children. The minute our train leaves the Hong Kong border and enters Shenzhen, China, I feel different. I can feel the skin on my forehead tingling, my blood rushing through a new course, my bones aching with familiar old pain. And I think, My mother was right.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Obstacle I Face in College

Miaodan XuProfessor Bradley FoxEnglish 1101 – D36528 March 2018 My Obstacle to College – Being a Student and a MotherWhile I agree with the point that many college freshmen are facing the obstacle about feeling lonely in their new college environment, emphasized by Frank Bruni in his article â€Å"The Real Campus Scourge,† I face a different obstacle because I have to balance being a 24-hour on-duty mother and a full-time college student. I'm 30 years old, and the mother of a 19-month-old toddler boy. I started college when my son, Jace was 18 months old. Before I went to college, I was taking care of Jace all day long. I sang songs and played games with him every day. We went to the parks and attended story-time-class in McKinney Library together every week. I prepared baby food and changed diapers 5 to 6 times a day for Jace. I also washed and sterilized milk bottles each day. Now everything has changed. I don't have enough time to look after Jace anymore. I have four days of classes and I need to work harder and spend more time on my courses since my English is not as good as native students. Usually, I have to spend about two hours getting college from my house in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, five hours in classes, and more than two hours doing homework. Although I devote a lot of time to studying for my courses, it still takes me the rest of the time to look after Jace. I am lack of sleep so far this semester. Therefore, my biggest obstacle is how to keep a balance between the roles of a mother and a college student.I had to muster up the courage to go to college since I had graduated from Guangzhou True Light High School in Guangdong, China ten years ago. Besides, I have been married and given birth to my son. I am not as young as other students, and I have the responsibility to take care of my child that other students don't. Some people assert that mothers should devote all the time to doing family matters, and they don't even believe I can finish college as a mother. My friend Jolin, a mother of two, was astonished when I told her that I was going to college in January, and said â€Å"What? Are you kidding me? That's impossible! How can you take care of your family and your classes at the same time? I know you, and I worry about you because you can only do one thing at a time!† Not only Jolin, but also my aunt Fay and my uncle Jin who lived in Flushing, Queens doubted if I could handle everything well for motherhood and college. What they said made me hesitate whether it is right to go to college. I was so anxious. Finally, I strengthened my mind to start college after careful consideration. It's hard, I admit, but it is more important for me to prove to my child that any dream can be achieved. I firmly told myself again and again, â€Å"Nothing is impossible! You really can do it!†In addition to being doubted by others, another issue is that I have to find the time to give equal attention to both of my study and Jace besides housework. In order to do housework and take care of my son, sometimes I have to start my studying night life when my family members are asleep. I have to be very careful not to make any noise to disturb them. I type keyboard slowly, click mouse slowly, open and close the textbooks slowly to make it as quiet as possible, which may reduce the quality of my educational tasks. Meanwhile, it seems to be a precious time to sing a song like â€Å"Itchy bitsy spider† to Jace every day. When I am doing homework at home, Jace always comes to me. He wants me to hug him, play with him, or lie next to him while he's sleepy. He's eager to do everything with me and needs me to accompany him all the time. Undoubtedly I want to accompany him through every precious time, but I don't have enough time to study and do my homework in fact. When I am back home after class, I have to prepare baby food for Jace, wash and sterilize milk bottles, and wash the dirty clothes in the basement. I only have one to two hours of free time before Jace goes to sleep. Especially during the period when I was sick last week, everything went terrible. I had a cold, fewer, cough, sore throat, and felt very bad. I isolated myself in my bedroom because I was worried about the flu would infect Jace. Jace was taken care of by his grandmother, a 65 years old woman, who spent all her time on family matters. Jace wanted me as usual, but I really couldn't satisfy him due to my collapsed body. It's a difficult time for all of us, and it's also cruel for us while Jace cried for me. Although it's very hard for me to be a full-time college student as a mother, I believe I can balance two roles through the following methods: First of all, I stay positive. In my opinion, a positive attitude is important for everything. Sometimes I feel exhausted and get stressed, then I would remind myself that â€Å"The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection,† which was said by Thomas Paine. I realize that smiling to get through stress is the best way to relieve stress. Also, I take fewer classes. If I take too many classes, it would become a lot more difficult to balance baby time and college time. Though it takes me more time to graduate from college than the average student, I'm willing to spend more time focusing on the process of Jace's growth. Moreover, I study whenever and wherever I can. Usually I do homework, review notes, or read articles when Jace is asleep, even just a short time while he takes a nap. On weekends, I study in the car while my husband is driving on the way to my mother's home or on the way to shopping malls. I strive to study every moment. Furthermore, I use a calendar. In fact, it's impossible for me to remember everything in my mind. So I always use a calendar to write down every assignment, every due date, every appointment, and all other important things. Besides, I make detailed schedules that specifying everything like when I should get up, take train, have meal, get rest, do homework, play with Jace, prepare meals for him, then stick to do them exactly the time I set up. Above all, it can be stressful to manage time while going to college and raising a child sometimes, but I insist I will try my best to do well in the roles of a college student and a mother. As I am not young anymore, I don't have much time to waste. I hunger to finish my bachelor's degree as fast as I can without neglecting my child. My husband always encourages me that â€Å"Having a baby isn't the end of your life, it's just the beginning of a new adventure. Just remember that you can do whatever you want to do.† Thanks to the support from my husband and the help from Jace's grandmother, I have the opportunity to go to college. Balancing well in being a mother and a college student, I would take good care of Jace and do well in college. I won't let down my family's expectations and waste everything that they do for me. I firmly believe that I'm setting a great example for Jace of the importance of education, and he will be proud of his mother who never give up what she insist on.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Soc 120 Week 2 Assignment for Ashford Essay Example

Soc 120 Week 2 Assignment for Ashford Essay Example Soc 120 Week 2 Assignment for Ashford Paper Soc 120 Week 2 Assignment for Ashford Paper Some of us like to believe that we are all born of sin and into sin regardless of what culture, race, ethnic identity, or class. We all have a sense of what is morally right and the relativity of it. There are traits, customs, and beliefs that make us distinctive to certain cultures, races, and classes, which due to the differences we all follow, a set of different moral standards. Each culture tackles moral questions based on their own moral beliefs. Universal moral requirements are presented to show that through differences there is still a huge connection of moral beliefs to show that we are more alike, than we as humans are willing to admit. Relativism maintains when it comes to right and wrong there is neither, because what is virtuous within a particular individual, culture or societies morality must be understood and taken into consideration (Mosser, 2010). Looking into the arguments of Lenn Goodman that there are certain things that are simply wrong, there are some who would definitely agree, yet there will be a few that would present a logical argument that would contradict his arguments. The areas of moral debates that Goodman chose would bring on a mass debate of arguments when it comes to cultures, races, ethic identities, or classes. Within the American society there are a huge amount of different cultures that certain cultural virtues held by some groups will not be acted upon due to the laws of the United States. The beliefs of Lenn Goodman are based on the history of moral knowledge and what many of us as Americans think are right (Goodman, 2010). There are universal moral requirements as we have witnessed over time throughout history. The claim of certain rights and wrongs has been a forewarning for battles since the beginning of time. Goodman claims are that every person has the rights to live and be free from any and all inhumane treatment. Goodman stated, â€Å"all human aspirations worthy of the name deserve respect and support, materially and morally/intellectually† (Goodman, 2010) but, to judge those things that is not morally right. All people regardless of what culture, race, class, etc. have the right to be treated equal and have the right to live their own life; people of these areas that make decisions to take a life based on certain reasons should be punished. There is no excuse for taking a life, but there is a time for everything, even murder. Goodman stated, â€Å"Murder is wrong because it destroys a human subject. Warfare is not always wrong; it may be necessary to protect such subjects† (Goodman, 2010). Goodman discusses slavery as one of the acts of wrong in the article and several would agree with his views on this issue. â€Å"Slavery is the deepest exploitation, overriding subject hood to make a person a tool for use† (Goodman, 2010). In the past and even in today’s society some cultures would agree that slavery is racially and ethically right. In opinion, in today’s society especially in the south, there are still a large portion of the older Caucasian generations, that still look down upon the African American population simply because of the color of their skin. Many believe slavery was abolished years ago. Yet, there is slavery today, immigrants are being purchased and sold to work for nothing. This is inhumane when it comes to any moral standards that we have regardless of what race, culture, class, etc. we are apart of. Goodman states, â€Å"Drugs are sold only once. Humans can be sold multiple times† (Goodman, 2010). Looking at polygamy, it is a gender marked because it is related to women. In some cultures having multiple wives symbolizes wealth, domestic labor, and objects of enjoyment (Goodman, Lenn, 2010). â€Å"Polygamy changes the nature of marriage,† says Goodman. Polygamy exploits slavery just not in such a monstrous way. Slavery keeps its victims alive while removing their rights from participating in society, keeping them inferior to the demands of their superiors. Another area of relativism and morality is terrorism. According to the reading, (Goodman, 2010), â€Å"Terrorists explode the values they claim to fight for; their victims blood blurs and blots whatever ends were meant to justify the carnage. † Examples of these beliefs exist almost everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan; suicide bombers (terrorists) walk into groups of strangers and kill them. They are not only taking the innocent lives of others they are also on a suicidal mission for the beliefs of what they are doing will provide a change. Yet, they believe in the point that they are proving and they have a moral belief that they are pleasing the God they serve. â€Å"Terrorism is willful targeting of non-combatants, aiming to intimidate and attract attention. It is a war crime, since war, if just at all, seeks only to block an enemy’s ability to make war† (Goodman, 2010). A devastating example of this is 9/11. Terrorists hi-jacked several planes, which were used to not only destroy buildings but take the lives of innocent people. Among the American people and several other cultures around the world this was viewed as morally wrong because the lives of innocent people were taken. There would be no other sacrifice of American lives but the satisfaction of a war launched on terror and Al Qaeda. In opinion, having a familiarity with the different views morals allows us to identify the things that exist in everyday life that are unfair or just plain wrong, opens up a window to continue to try to get everyone to agree on one set universal moral requirements. Where do I stand when it comes to the views of Goodman? I agree with him one hundred percent. References Goodman, L. E. (2010). Some Moral Minima. Good Society Journal, 19(1), 87-94. Retrieved from EBSCOhost on May 3, 2011. Mosser, Kurt (2010). Ethics and Social Responsibility. Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved on May 5, 2011 from https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUENG125. 10. 1/sections/copyright

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Film Critique of Selznicks films

Film Critique of Selznicks films "I have a different concept of producing thanother producers. Some producers are money men,and others are just lieutenants. For me toproduce is to make a picture. As a producer,I can maintain an editorial perspective thatI wouldn't have as a director. I considermyself first a creative producer, then a showmanand then a businessman. You need all three thingsto succeed in the business today."-David O. SelznickThe film Since You Went Away was released in 1944. This epic film attempted to relate to the American audience that was dealing with the war foreclosing and the flux of soldiers coming home at the time. The Hollywood studios were constantly trying to do their part for the war buy making films about the war in a fairy tale "Hollywood" style. Since You Went Away crossed these boundaries, and the movie audience at the time, positively responded for this reason.David-selznick united-artists-photoThe producer and screenwriter of the film knew America craved this portrayal. Critics of t he film from this period, applauded it's "realism", but in hindsight studies of the film in the seventies and eighties were a little more critical of the film. David O. Selznick was the man behind the visionof this film and Selznick is best known for film classic's like; Gone With the Wind, (from which the12.formula of this movie draws heavily from) Rebecca, and King Kong. This film was a special project for Selznick at the time, and it was seen as his contribution to the war effort. The academy awards recognized Selznick's effort and nominated his film for best picture of 1944.David Selznick was known as a one of the great creative producers- along side Walt Disney. A creative producer is usually "a powerful mogul who...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Marketing for Nike - Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Marketing for Nike - Questions - Essay Example In 2005 another definition of marketing was developed by AMA. The new definition highlighted the importance of customer value and the quality of communication between the organization and its customers (Ferrell 2012). In 2007 the definition of marketing had to be changed, again, in order to cover a broader audience: the new definition of marketing focuses on the value not just of customers but also ‘of partners and of society at large’ (Ferrell 2012, p.7). In this definition the issue of corporate social responsibility is emphasized (Ferrell 2012). At this point, the need for aligning marketing practices with ethics is made clear. At this point, the application of the above definitions of marketing for NIKE should be explored. NIKE has based its marketing strategy on the needs of its customers (Mourdoukoutas 2012). From this point of view, the organization’s marketing strategy is aligned with the first definition of marketing, as developed by AMA. Another characte ristic of NIKE’s marketing strategy is the importance given to the communication with customers. This fact is made clear, for example, in NIKE’s ‘She Runs The Night’ campaign which was introduced by NIKE in order to improve the communication of the organization with ‘its female customers’ (Marketing 2013). ... The products that the firm developed in order to respond to the demands of such project are presented in Figure 1 below. The first of the images shows NIKE’s new logo while the second and the third images show two products that have been designed in order to help towards the transition to a digital society: ‘a wristband for tracking energy, in the central image, and a watch customized for sports’ (Intelligent HQ 2013). Through such products the firm aims to contribute in the expansion of digital products in daily human activities, a target that it is related to the society at large, and not just to individuals. Thus, NIKE manages to respond to the requirements of the third definition of marketing, as set by AMA. Question B The Marketing Concept reflects the key role of marketing: ‘the satisfaction of customer needs’ (McDonald 2007, p.3). The marketing activities of NIKE seem to be fully aligned with Marketing Concept, as described above. More specific ally: a) NIKE tries to respond to the needs of all its customers; the introduction of a marketing campaign for improving the communication of the organization with women (Marketing 2013) denotes NIKE’s willingness to keep all its customers satisfied, b) in 2013 NIKE presented a watch that it is specially customized for sports (Intelligent HQ 2013); this initiative is an effort of NIKE to respond to the need of its customers for wearing a watch even when being involved in sport activities that are quite demanding, c) moreover, NIKE tries to continuously update its product, emphasizing on innovation (Mourdoukoutas 2012); this practice also denotes the firm’s effort to respond to the need of its customers for innovative products, d) NIKE is aware of the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Outline of Intercultural communication term paper

Outline of Intercultural communication - Term Paper Example However, he is spared and set free. He struggles to fit into the Japanese culture throughout the movie. The need to change culture and hostilities from the Samurai comprises a big part of hardships that Algren faces. Culture intolerance is depicted through the way the Samurai treated Algren when he was captured. They, pioneered by Uijo, label him as barbaric due to his exclusive culture. The Samurai cannot tolerate an infiltration of ‘strange culture’ amongst them. Most Samurai warriors prefer killing the prisoner as dictated by their culture. The Samurai culture does not allow a defeated soldier to live and sees the actions of Algren as unacceptable. There is a lot of culture backed animosity in the film. Uijo is portrayed as the most reserved culturist in the film. He tortures Algren both physically and psychologically to show him that he does not belong. In the infamous episode where Uijo tortures a helpless Algren, the animosity and distrust between cultures is depicted. The film depicts intracultural conflicts and conflicts between cultures. The culture of war and peace is more pronounced. For example, a samurai worrier is supposed to cut off the head of a prisoner of war but Katsumoto chooses to keep Algren alive. Intercultural conflicts are observed in the differences between American and Japanese cultures regarding rule of war, and family. Custom refers to the tradition people apply in their life. The traditions are bound by culture of the society. The Last Samurai is a clear depiction of varying traditions which soon become blended into a hybrid version. This is because the traditions and Algren are used alongside those of the Japanese. Cultural change is seen throughout the film. The changes are initiated by the samurai leader who prefers to keep Algren rather than kill him. According to the Samurai, defeat is not an option and thus Samurai worriers concede by ending their lives, however, this changes when